Bath Time = Crazy Time

Let me tell you about Jude’s bath last night.  He quite enjoyed it – we didn’t hear a peep from him as dad sprinkled warm water all over (the pictures and videos are from a bath last week).  Then came time to take him out.  Mike handed him to me and I wrapped him up in his towel…until I realized he was full out peeing  at which point I handed him back to Mike to put back in the tub (after which I noticed he had also pooped in the towel).  So we rinsed him off, I got a new towel, and we took him out again – and then I felt poop oozing down my hand.  At this point Mike and I were laughing so hard we could barely get him back into the tub to wash him up for the THIRD time.  When he came out he went straight to the changing pad and got a diap put on before anything else! 

I have to say, instances like that are more entertaining when dad is around to experience them with me.


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3 responses to “Bath Time = Crazy Time

  1. Lacy

    Thats crazy! Garret has yet to poop in the tub. (fingers crossed) I love the diaper pictures of him; it shows off his little belly so well. He is really beginning to fill out….and I LOVE IT! Miss you guys. Give Jude a kiss from us.

  2. Meg

    Oh my gosh I love his little hiccups!

  3. Kathy Clay

    He is so darn cute. He is really filling out. His little hipcups…and then the milk comotos pics. Miss not seeing you all!

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