Some firsts

Jude’s first visit to the pediatrician.  He didn’t have a great time.




While at the pediatrician’s, the nurse pointed out Jude’s ears.  Though they aren’t that bad, they are a little flattened and pointy at the top.  There is a plastic surgeon in the area who can fix infants’ ears like this with ear molds if they’re started within 10 days of the baby’s birth.  Apparently the ear cartilage is still so malleable at birth that the molds can easily reshape them within 6 weeks.  Mike and I weren’t sure whether to do it or not, but we decided it’s better to fix them now so he never has to be self-conscious about them.

The backing of the molds have to stick to his head so the doctor had to cut his hair around his ears.


Not really what I imagined for his first haircut.


I tried really hard not to cry as he was putting them on.  They’re not hurting him so I’m not sure why it was so hard to watch.  Jude was perfect – just hung out and didn’t say a peep during the whole thing.  He’s so sweet.

I will be happy when the six weeks is up and I don’t have to worry about these things coming off.


Sponge-bath time with Grandma!  Jude does not love bath time yet.



Aunt Susie came to meet Jude on Saturday.  They got along pretty well.


Everyone loves cuddling with Jude.


A few days ago Mike came home from work, picked up the Moses basket Jude was sleeping in and claimed he was just going to take him into the bedroom with him.  When I went in a few minutes later I found this:


Tummy time.  Jude’s neck is already really strong – he’s always holding his head up to look at us while we’re burping him.


Mom and I finally bought a mattress so Jude got to try out the crib today.


He was looking so cute in this outfit the other day until he threw up all over Mom while she was burping him without a burp cloth.  He also peed all over her a few days ago with she decided to change his diaper on her lap. 


Jude was circumcised today, poor guy.  I’m normally good about putting him in the Moses basket to sleep rather than holding him, but today I let him lay in my lap for a while after nursing because I felt so bad for him.


He’s pretty cute.




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7 responses to “Some firsts

  1. Lacy

    WE LOVE JUDE! Love the Strykers

  2. Ashley

    Aww, he is so cute. Thanks for posting pictures and video, I was going into Jude withdrawal…

  3. rik

    I have to admit, I totally cracked up when I saw his haircut! haha He’s so cute though, it’s adorable.

  4. Meg

    1. That picture of Jude and Mike is adorable.
    2. The blanket with matching bumper you made is so cute!
    3. Love the sleepy Jude on your lap picture – his hand by his face is precious.
    4. I am LOVING the videos you post – seriously keep them coming!
    5. We miss you guys so much!

  5. Randall Bready

    I get to see little Jude tomorrow!!!!!! It’s about time!! This is the first out-of-town grandbaby and I’m kind of not liking this much! I’m going to be so happy to hold him. Loves and kisses to him. And to you guys. I miss you all so much!
    Mom B

  6. amy

    I’m seriously in love with him. And I like his plastic ears. Want to go to there.

  7. Jenn Zohner

    Cami your little boy is so adorable! I love reading your blog and seeing how you are doing! Congrats on the little guy.

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