Remember these days?

Mike left for San Antonio tonight to spend tomorrow with his parents and brother at the BYU football game in Austin.  I cried before he left – I’m 35 weeks pregnant, ok?  Actually, I started crying not just because he was leaving but because we had been trying to nap together before he left but he had to go out into the living room because I was snoring too loudly.  And after he left I couldn’t go back to sleep – I was just so sad that it was our last hour together and we weren’t even in the same room.  So he came back to bed and I started crying.  And then it really was because he was leaving.  We didn’t try to go to sleep again, we just laid there enjoying being with each other and feeling how big the baby is and how much he presses out nowadays and how we’re going to meet him in a month (or less…or more).  His little butt is always sticking out straight from the middle of my stomach.

Anyway, while we were laying there I started thinking about some of the pictures below that I haven’t looked at in forever.  The ones in the street are from one of the first times Mike and I hung out together (when I had a big fat crush on him and he couldn’t care less), and the black and white is from a month or two into dating.  It’s so crazy to think about where we were four years ago and where we are now.  Would I have believed that night on the street that in four years we’d be married, closer than ever and soon-to-be expecting a little baby boy together?  That we would miss each other sometimes from being apart the few hours we’re at work, much less for a whole weekend?  We love every second of our life and are grateful for it and for each other.  We know we are so lucky.  I wish everyone could understand the relationship you can have with someone when you commit to them for eternity – what would the world be like?  It’s incredible.  I’m so excited to add another person to our life and for us to be able to share that love with him too.

Sorry for the cheese – I’m usually good at staying away from it (maybe a little too good) but I guess I’m in a mood tonight and missing Michael.  Oh, and I’m 35 weeks pregnant – good enough reason for you?  Speaking of that, maybe part of the reason I was crying was realizing how much I rely on Michael when we’re home now that I’m so awkward.  What, I’m actually going to have to help myself off the couch and pick things up off the floor that I drop there?  Lame.


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4 responses to “Remember these days?

  1. rik

    Oh, Cam Cam. I know this feeling all too well. The next few weeks will be ones in your memory treasure box, for sure. Enjoy them and enjoy the anticipation of little baby boy! Cry all you want, girl. Doesn’t it just feel so good to feel so…bittersweet? I loved reading this because I don’t get to see this side of you too often. Love chew, gurl.

  2. Lacy

    After I had Garret I made Ace right about the experience, from his perspective, in my journal. And he mentioned how hard it was getting for me to sleep the last few nights and he also mentioned that it was getting really hard for him to because a week or so leading up to Garret’s birth I started snoring like crazy! Glad to know Im not the only one. I can’t wait until we can get together again and our little guys can meet. Not even a year apart…..they are going to be the best of friends:-). Oh and I like your cheesy side. Made me feel all giddy inside:-) MISS YOU!

  3. Jeff

    That’s my guitar!! And I was the one that took that picture!!! I miss you guys…..I hope when the baby comes, it’ll mean a nice little trip to Utah….yes??

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